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Christmas at Christ Church

Christmas at Christ Church

Though we may not be able to hold all the services that we normally run here at Christ Church we'll still be celebrating the birth of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. Do read on below to find out more about some of the services and events that we'll be running this year.

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Christmas Bake Off

Bake-along through the Christmas story with us, on YouTube!

We can supply instructions, ingredients and a gingerbread cutter, and hope that you'll take an extra pack to pass on to another family as well.

Get your rolling pins ready for 2.00pm on Saturday 12th December.

Click on the gingerbread image to join Faith in Kids on YouTube! For more information about our Bake-along Christmas do contact Cath Hawes.

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Carols on the corner

We still hope to hold our traditional carol service this year, but we'll certainly not be able to cater for the usual numbers in church. So we want to bring the joy of Christ's birth out to the streets of our parish!

We therefore plan to organise carols on the corner of several streets, on different nights in December. There will only be a small group of people singing due to restrictions - but we'd hope this small group may bring Christmas hope and joy to the community, as people come to their doors to listen and take part.

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Zoom Crib Service

For families on Christmas Eve - what about a live Zoom nativity service?!


Our own church members will be acting out the joyous birth of Christ across Potters Bar.


If you'd like to know more or if you'd like to volunteer to be involved then please do contact Cath.


Advent Windows

This year at Christ Church we'll be counting down to the birth of Jesus with our very own advent windows, each day in December we'll reveal a new window display following a part of the navity story.

We'll then upload a photo of each display to the website in case you might have missed any. Do click on the image to the left to go through to the advent window page where you'll also find an interactive map showing you where the advent windows can be found!


If you'd like to get involved please do contact Irini in the Church office.


Holiday at Home Hamper

This year, as we won't be able to hold our annual "Holiday at Home" lunch, we'll be making individual shoebox-sized hampers to deliver to those who are isolated or alone.

Each hamper will contain some gifts and treats, a Christmas booklet, and a CD of a full carol service to play at home. We want to brighten people's day with Christmas cheer, and lift their soul with the message of salvation.
We're inviting church members to nominate a friend or neighbour who may appreciate a hamper this year. If you know of somebody please do contact Irini.



Our Christingle service is scheduled for Sunday 20 December, and we plan for it to be accessible and exciting for anybody, whether they're with us in the church building or online.


Church members will deliver DIY Christingle packs round to people at home, so they can join in by making their own. For more information or offers of help please do contact Sheila.

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Carols by Candlelight Online
6pm Sunday 13th December

Our traditional candelit service of lessons and carols will be online only - so light some candles at home, and sing your heart out! Why not tell some friends too. 

Christianity Explored

In everything that we do, we want to point everyone we encounter to Christ. What better way than to invite our friends and families to explore the Christian faith, and the truth that Christ Jesus died to save us from our sins and to restore our broken relationship with God?


When January comes, we want to follow up our Christmas events with Christianity Explored courses that can take place in person or online.


If you'd like to join our Christianity explored course or would like an invitation to give to a friend nearer the time please contact Irini in the Church office.

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