Who's Who at Christ Church
Supporting and helping to lead the church in mission and ministry are full-time, part-time staff and volunteer staff. The PCC, Vicar, Assistant Minister, Readers, Churchwardens, Finance Administrator, Church Administrator and Children's Outreach Worker.
Cath Hawes
Church Administrator and
Children's Outreach Worker
In addition to the church administration work, Cath works with children and young people, local schools and helps facilitate Sunday School groups at Christ Church. She is also the Parish Safeguarding Officer.If you would like to find out about our children’s work please contact Cath: cath@cclh.org.uk.
Suzanne Apps
Finance Administrator
Suzanne joined the team in 2021 and is now the finance administrator. To contact Suzanne email finance@cclh.org.uk or call the office on 01707 662460, working hours are Friday 9am to 3pm.