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how you can help AT

Giving to Christ Church

At Christ Church we encourage our members to give in a planned and proportionate way. You can make an immediate donation by clicking the "Donate" button above.

If you want to set up a standing order click below to open the giving leaflet.

If you would like to know more about how to leave a legacy please do read on below or speak to our Finance Administrator 

Become a Volunteer

At Christ Church we rely on the servant heartedness of our members to keep running. We need volunteers for a variety of roles, so if you are willing to help then we would love to hear from you, whether you are skilled at baking, talking, reading or praying. Just click the button below to send us an email.

Why Give?

Everything we have has been given to us by God, so we give back as a grateful acknowledgement of the gifts we have been given.

Do just click on the button below to read more on why we should be giving to the Church.

Leaving a Legacy

If you are considering Legacy giving or have already included a gift to CCLH in your will or are considering leaving a gift and would like to talk to somebody about this please do speak to Mark Maloney, this information will be treated in confidence and is not binding in any way. 


General information is also available from

Week 1
Week 2
Week 3
Week 4
Week 5

Why Give........




We've looked at some Bible passages which give us a clear insight as to why to give and we've added the bible study notes above for you to take a look for yourself. Or if you'd rather listen to one of  the sermons from our 'living God's love' sermon series do just press play or download for later.

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